Coach Supervision

Build your coaching practice

Supervision is a structured and formalized process for coaches, in which the coaches – helped by the supervisor – increase the quality of their coaching, develop new skills and gain support for themselves and their coaching practice.

Individual supervision session is also important for building ethical coaching practice. It serves primarily to protect your clients. During regular sessions with your supervisor, you will have the opportunity to discuss the coaching situations and challenges you encounter with your clients. By having a dialogue with a coach who has extensive experience, you will be able to enrich your repertoire of skills and knowledge and you gain more confidence in coaching.

For coaches who pursue individual accreditations from the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) or the International Coach Federation (ICF), individual supervision is one of the conditions for granting accreditations. For example, the EMCC requires at least one hour of quarterly supervision at the Foundation and Practitioner levels. The ICF for the Associate Certified Coach (ACC) level requires at least 10 hours of individual or group supervision (mentoring).

Coaching Systems s.r.o., Sídlo: Korunní 1773/117, 130 00 Praha 3

IČO: 27079821, Spisová značka: C 94733 vedená u Městského soudu v Praze, +420 731 186 169