ACE Practitioner
transforms lives

Experience breakthroughs that lead to challenge your thinking, resulting in remarkable changes in careers, relationships, and quality of life.

ACE Practitioner
transforms lives

Experience breakthroughs that lead to challenge your thinking, resulting in remarkable changes in careers, relationships, and quality of life.


Tailor-made training programs led in a coaching way

Training programs for coaches and leaders who want to apply coaching principles in their practice


Self-understanding and self-development for everyone
Coaching Systems, founded in 2003 by Norbert Riethof and Robert Demare, seeks to combine and utilize coaching, personality typology and training programs to provide each of our clients with a unique developmental experience. We have built our current portfolio of services on these pillars, which includes a wide range of programs from HR diagnostics through individual and team coaching to specialized trainings for managers and professional coaches. Our clients appreciate the most the high quality of our services and the focus on the meaningfulness of the solutions provided.


The Czech version of the ACE Practitioner training will start on the 26th of March, 2025.

Join the free demo session (CZ) with Radek Machač on the 6th of March 2025 at 5pm.

ACE Practitioner Online Demo Session
for free

Next date of the online free session ACE Practitioner (in Czech) is on the March the 6th, 2025 at 5 PM with Radek Machač.

The Practitioner training brought more to me than any other training until now. It taught me way beyond simply “coaching tools” which are most commonly used in practice, when communicating with colleagues, subordinates and superiors – it brought insights into the human psyche and self-knowledge.

Jiří Petřík
Production Manager | LEAR Corporation Czech Republic s.r.o

I realized the importance of inner power, how everyone is unique and the potential in the core of every human. I discovered the importance of rapport, listening, not-judgement, strength of support and importance of feedback.


Jiří Urbanec
Managing Director | ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems

I enrolled to the coaching training because I wanted to learn a new job. But I realized I also learned a new way of thinking. This training changed the way I interact with others, it also changed me because if you want to be a coach, you need to first know who you are. Reaching that level of self-awareness is not an easy exercise, but you can count on the trust and support of the other participants and supervisors. I will never forget these 6 months: for all of us, there will definitely be a before and an after. I think everybody should take this training once in their life!

Blandine Berniel
EMEA Corporate Communications Manager | Honeywell

A positive life changing experience, which gave me deep understanding and insight into the way others communicate and into myself. Highly recommended.

Martin Howlings
Managing Director |

trained companies
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participants of our programs
graduates of the accredited coaching program
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hours of coaching sessions

Online coaching

Individual Coaching

Executive Coaching

Team Coaching

Coach Supervision

Coaching Systems s.r.o., Sídlo: Korunní 1773/117, 130 00 Praha 3

IČO: 27079821, Spisová značka: C 94733 vedená u Městského soudu v Praze, +420 731 186 169